Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Say No More to Heat Damage

If you're a relaxed diva or a naturalista excessive heat styling can be extremely damaging. I know how easy it can be to become a slave to your flatiron, curling iron, and or blow dryer but I urge you to slow down on the heat styling. Personally I try to spread out the use of heat on my hair between months at a time if I'm wearing protective styles, or at least once a week if I'm wearing a straight style. Direct heat can be the catalyst to stop growth retention, sucks all the moisture from your hair, and rips the protein structure from your hair. Didn't know you were doing all that did you?

Here are some tips to keep your hair in tip top shape if you're going to using heat styling tools:

1. Prepare your hair for heat straightening process. Two weeks before you decide to use heat to straighten your hair do at least three deep conditioning treatments under a hooded dryer (or a plastic cap & wool hat. Your body eat creates and internal hair dryer), and weekly light protein treatments leading up to the week you desire to straighten your hair.

2. Go hard on adding moisture to your hair 2 weeks prior to heat styling.

3. The day you decide to straighten your hair wash your hair with a protein/moisture pre-shampoo treatment (pre-poo). This is not done under heat!

4. Don't get lazy and skip your weekly protein treatment days when you straighten your hair.

5. Always and I mean always perform a deep conditioning treatment after you pre-poo, cleanse the hair, and add a protein treatment.

6. Before applying any heat to your hair make sure you apply a heat protectant to your strands. Heat protectants are filled with silicone which coats the hair like a barrier between the heating tools and your hair.

7. Last but not least avoid at all cost redirecting heat to your everyday to touch it up. Maintain your straight style by wrapping it up with a silk scarf, silk bonnet, and rolling them on rollers/flexi rods.

If you have questions on any of the terms you may be confused about comment below and I'll be glad to respond to you.

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